Friday, August 31, 2012

EA Labels boss : " Xbox 720, PS4 Will be out next year, I’ve seen both of them "

" I’ve seen both of them.  Ten years ago we used to measure our market in terms of 200 million people. Now we are at a billion people playing games and we have a straight line view on 2 billion. "
EA labels president Frank Gibeau has told to Bloomberg TV that the next Xbox and PlayStation would launch in about a year’s time.
“We’re into the sixth or seventh year now of this generation of hardware and so it’s a mature market,” said Gibaeu.
“The new hardware is going to be coming out in about a year’s time, so we’re right around this period in time when the market’s going to slow down and then you have a new game changer coming with all new technology, all new hardware, and another growth period.”

keep reading the story here 

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