Monday, September 17, 2012

Dragon Age 3: Inquisition officially announced new engine based on BF3 Frostbite 2

Dragon Age 3 has been officially announced in an open letter on the Dragon Age website, spotted byEurogamer. It’s been quite obvious that Dragon Age 3 has been in the works for the past year or so, because Bioware themselves have been talking about it for ages. According to executive producer Mark Darrah Dragon Age 3 has been in development for two years “with the bulk of our efforts ramping up about 18 months ago.”

It’s being built by the team behind Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2, and will feature a “more expansive world, better visuals, more reactivity to player choices and more customisation.” It’ll be powered by a new engine based on Frostbite 2 technology.

keep reading the story on pcgamer

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