Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Valve : "Left 4 Dead 3 Needs To Be ' More Than A New City, 4 Characters' user generated content might hit consoles

Left 4 Dead 3 would need to offer players more than simply "a new city with four characters," according to Valve's Chet Faliszek.

as we all know Left 4 Dead 3 is under development and valve doesn't want to bore players with the same content for their new game

His comments come as Valve prepares to extend Left 4 Dead 2's life with user-generated content via Steam Workshop. Asked if that new longevity would dent the cahances of a new sequel Faliszek told NowGamer: "One does not negate the other. I think if and when it makes sense and we are ready, you will see a new game but I think what that looks like needs to be more than a new city with four characters. But anything more is pretty speculative."

The developer wouldn't be drawn on whether that could mean a radical new directionsuch as an MMO, or open-world approach.

Asked whether L4D2 might ultimately head into the same free-to-play territory as Team Fortress 2, Faliszek said Valve will think about the future once it releases the new customisation features.

"We wanted a tool that could create new experiences with existing maps and also allow designers more control over the more gamey elements to allow them to make their own game modes," he explained. "This is really a natural expansion over some of the user and Valve created Mutations. With this, we need to do some work on match-making to make it all discoverable. As to the future, we are going to release the tools, the Workshop and go from there."

The developer also gave Xbox 360 gamers a glimmer of hope that future user generated content might hit consoles, despite Valve focusing on the tools for PC.

"While it wasn’t the quickest DLC, Cold Stream taught us a bunch on moving over user generated content to the consoles and at least one form it could take," Faliszek added. "We still have a big player base on the 360, so it is something we definitely think about but it is something we will need to work on and experiment t,o as what form it comes in."

Left 4 Dead's recent Payday: The Heist crossover also proved popular - but will more be forthcoming? "I hope so," the developer said. "People can feel free to contact me/us about it. We have had some fun little back and forth with other games in our graffiti text but this was the most involved interaction."

Anybody hoping for more movie tie-ins along the lines of the Super 8 level and mootedCabin in the Woods L4D level may be disappointed however. "While we have been asked before for crossovers, this was really a rare occurrence of our loving and respecting the people involved and their completely getting video games," comes the response to the latter. "We never got past the discussion level as the businesses underlying the movie changed, too bad – it would have been fun."


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