Friday, September 28, 2012

Call of Duty: Black Ops II PC : No mood tools, servers no for rent combined with matchmaking sistem

We just have receive the news that MOD TOOLS wont be avaiable this time for pc players due to increased technical requirements, licensing restrictions, and technology dependencies " BS i would say" and the worst pc players wont be able to rent dedicades servers with custom rules even though Treyarch asure us that there will be plenty of servers for everyone 

here is the rest of the information 

What anti-cheat will be used?

Anti-cheat is a top priority for Call of Duty®: Black Ops II. We have developed our own proprietary server-side anti-cheat technology which will work alongside VAC to deliver the most advanced detection and banning capabilities of any Call of Duty game to date. We have also improved our player reporting system to make it the most effective way that you can help us catch cheaters. And starting on launch day we will have a full-time dedicated pc anti-cheat team focused solely on detecting and banning cheaters. We have a zero tolerance policy on cheating. Cheaters bans are permanent.

Will Black Ops have Matchmaking or Dedicated Servers?

Both! Call of Duty®: Black Ops II PC combines matchmaking with secure ranked dedicated servers. This means that you get into Public Matches or League Play via matchmaking lobbies. It is easy to party up and play with your friends. You can adjust your classes or scorestreaks between matches. It also means that every Public or League match is hosted on a dedicated server running in one of our high bandwidth datacenters around the globe.

Will you release the server files?
No. We are keeping the server files secure to protect the game from hacking and cheating and ensure the ranking and progression system integrity.

Can I rent a server?
No. We are providing a huge number of servers around the world at no extra charge – plenty for everyone to enjoy. And we will administer the servers.

Will there be mod tools?
No. As we continually improve and advance our in-house tools for our own content teams we are unable to provide consumer tools due to increased technical requirements, licensing restrictions, and technology dependencies.
source : Call of duty forums

Monday, September 24, 2012

Nintendo's wii U console and games will be region locked !

Nintendo has revealed that the Wii U will be region-locked once it releases this November, so those of you who had plans to import certain games are fresh out of luck.

This means that games bought in the U.S., Europe, or Japan can only be played on a machine from the same region. The majority of Nintendo’s past hardware has been region-locked so it’s no surprise that the Wii U is also, however with both Sony and Microsoft allowing developers to choose it’s odd that Nintendo would decide to force the option.

Of course this is only an issue if you enjoy playing games that don’t always get a release in your territory or come out earlier in another


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sony reveals a Brand New Model of the PS3 at its pre-TGS press conference

Rumoured for some time now, Sony has announced today at its pre-TGS press conference that it will be releasing a new model of the PlayStation 3.

The new model is 25% smaller and 20% lighter than the current model, and will come in two flavours: 250GB and 500GB. It'll also be available in two colours, white and black.

The black console will be out on in Japan October 4, while the white model will be out on November 22.

In the US, the new console will be out on September 25, and will include Uncharted 3 and a $30 "digital content" voucher for DUST 514 (a free-to-play game). It'll cost $270.

source kotaku

Monday, September 17, 2012

Dragon Age 3: Inquisition officially announced new engine based on BF3 Frostbite 2

Dragon Age 3 has been officially announced in an open letter on the Dragon Age website, spotted byEurogamer. It’s been quite obvious that Dragon Age 3 has been in the works for the past year or so, because Bioware themselves have been talking about it for ages. According to executive producer Mark Darrah Dragon Age 3 has been in development for two years “with the bulk of our efforts ramping up about 18 months ago.”

It’s being built by the team behind Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2, and will feature a “more expansive world, better visuals, more reactivity to player choices and more customisation.” It’ll be powered by a new engine based on Frostbite 2 technology.

keep reading the story on pcgamer

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

World of Warcraft may secretly include your account name and server IP in screenshots

Repeating patterns embedded in screenshots taken with WoW’s game client application can be decrypted to identify you, a report on Slashdot suggests. Posters on the OwnedCore forum claim that the watermark can be decoded to reveal user IDs, the time the screenshot was captured and the IP address of the server.

“A few days ago I noticed some weird artifacts covering the screenshots I captured using the WoW game client application,” says Slashdot poster kgkoutzis. “I sharpened the images and found a repeating pattern secretly embedded inside. I posted this information on the OwnedCore forum and after an amazing three-day cooperation marathon, we managed to prove that all our WoW screenshots, since at least 2008, contain a custom watermark.”

We’ve tried this, following the instructions on the OwnedCore forum, and our screenshots do indeed contain a repeating pattern which was not replicated in thirdparty screenshot apps. There may be plausible reasons for Acti-Blizz doing this: the watermark could be used to track down players who are running private servers, or otherwise breaking the terms of service, and have been silly enough to take a picture of their infringing activity. But the concern is that broadcasting user IDs may leave players open to stalking, griefing and phishing scams.

more info on

Metal Gear Rising has been cancelled for Xbox 360 in Japan

Konami announced that the Xbox 360 version of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance has been slashed, cut, and cancelled. Only the PS3 version will be released in Japan.

source : Kotaku

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Black Mesa mod for Half life has been GREENLIT by the steam comunity

The highly anticipated mod for steam's half life has been GREENLIT by steam community  and it will be released via steam and others methods as well more info on their forums

Black Mesa is a total conversion of Half-Life 2, retelling the original game of Half-Life. Utilizing the Source engine and its endless array of possibilities and powers, Black Mesa will throw you into the world that started the Half-Life continuum and introduced Gordon Freeman, the gun-toting, bullet-dodging Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics. Check the "About the Mod"page for more details.

Steam's Big Picture taking your PC to a new level of entertainment

Steam's new mode that lets gamers access all of their favorite Steam games on a television. With the press of a button, Steam displays a new full-screen user interface optimized for readability and interaction on TV. Big Picture has been designed to be used with a traditional game controller, while also fully supporting keyboard and mouse input

Monday, September 10, 2012

Steam Big Picture mode beta launches today, details & screens emerge | VG247

Valve’s rumoured Big Picture mode beta will launch today. It’s a service that brings Steam to your TV, and it has been detailed in a new report by Kotaku ahead of launch. 

Despite Steam being a PC-based entity first, Big Picture’s interface has been designed to run with controllers in mind, although keyboard and mouse support is included. This particular design choice is Valve’s warning shot to the console market.

With a controller focus and an almost console interface, Big Picture mode could be considered the first step towards a Steam console, the report suggests.

Games can be searched at speed by genre and other filters using a controller, while typing on the pad also uses a neat pinwheel UI with button icons similar to Xbox 360.

The service will also come loaded with Facebook, Google, Reddit, Twitter and YouTube apps. Hit the links to see the features in action.

continue reading the story in the link below
Steam Big Picture mode beta launches today, details & screens emerge | VG247:

'via Blog this'

Medal of Honor Warfighter new Map Pack Trailer - Zero Dark Thirty

A decade long manhunt. The world's most dangerous places.

The decade long hunt to find Bin Laden went through some of the most remote and dangerous parts of the world. The Darra Gun Market is located in a tribal land where the rules are defined by only two principles -- hospitality and revenge. No police are allowed to enter the area and all the laws are made by the tribal leader. This small town in Pakistan is home to dozens of back-alley shops and self-taught machinists who are in many cases building guns by hand. Almost no outsiders ever see this town. What better place to hide than where only locales and known tribal members are allowed to enter.

Chitral is another area of Pakistan thought for a time to be one of Bin Laden's hideouts. A rural mountainous area filled with deep narrow valleys, it has many places that are inaccessible several months each year because of snow and road conditions. There are over 1200 small towns scattered throughout the Chitral district and finding someone who doesn't want to be found would be next to impossible.

Medal of Honor Warfighter steps into the boots of the soldiers who led the hunt for Bin Laden and takes you to the locations where only the most elite dare enter.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Video game sales down 20 due to the long lifecycles of consoles and gamers playing on tablets, smartphones..

The downward spiral continues for the US video game market as sales of software, hardware and accessories were down for the ninth consecutive month. Research firm NPD Group reports that overall sales dropped 20 percent in August to $515.6 million, down from $647.2 million last year – a seemingly accurate estimate seeing as the number of gamers dropped by nearly 12 millionsince the same time last year.

The hardware sector suffered the most, dropping 39 percent year over year to just $150.6 million. The long lifecycles of today’s consoles and the number of gamers opting to play on tablets, smartphones and social networking sites are the primary factors that led to declining sales, according to NPD Group analyst Anita Frazier.

Continue reading the story here at Techspot 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Black Ops II Leveling, Unlocks, and Create-a-Class Details

Treyarch has dished out a ton of new details regarding the Create-a-Class mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops II as well as offering some information on leveling unlocks.

Treyarch’s David Vonderhaar took to the official Black Ops II forums to shed some light on the game’s progression system and MP1st has handily condensed the details down into easy to understand chunks. According to VonderhaarBlack Ops II will have a level cap of 55 and the amount of experience required to reach it will be comparable with the original Black Ops.

At level 4 players will unlock the Create-a-Class option and are given the following items:
1 Assault Rifle
1 Shotgun
1 Sniper Rifle
1 Perk from each of the 3 perk categories
1 lethal grenade
1 tactical grenade/equipment

continue reading the story in the link below at egmnow

Black Ops II Leveling, Unlocks, and Create-a-Class Details | EGMNOW

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ubisoft renounces always-on DRM for PC Assassin’s Creed 3 confirmed playable offline

In a smart move from Ubisoft i just learn that all Ubisoft games will be playable offline after a one time online activation.

In interview with Rock Paper Shotgun, Stephanie Perotti, Ubisoft’s worldwide director for online games, has said that the company has decided to remove the need for a permanent connection to play its PC titles.
In fact, she claims the decision was made way back in June, after which point Ubi’s singleplayer games have only required a one-time activation upon install.

countinue reading the story here at pcgamer

Monday, September 3, 2012

Call of Duty Says good bye to Windows XP it wont be supported due to Blackops DX11 features

so here is the official Black op's Q&A regarding the PC version  

What are the Minimum System Requirements?
OS: Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7
CPU: Intel Core2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHz or AMD Phenom X3 8750 2.4 GHz
Memory: 2GB for 32-bit OS or 4GB for 64-bit OS
Video Card: Nvidia GeForce 8800GT 512 MB or ATI Radeon HD 3870 512 MB

Can I run the game on Windows XP?

No, sorry. Since we upgraded the engine to use DirectX11, Windows XP is no longer supported. It requires Windows Vista or later.

Will the game actually be playable on my minimum spec machine?

Absolutely. We have tested extensively on a variety of hardware and we are very confident in the performance even at the minimum specs.

What engine is used for Black Ops II?

The Black Ops II engine builds upon the Black Ops engine with a number of improvements including performance optimizations, enhanced graphics, and proprietary anti-cheat technology.

What performance optimizations have you introduced for Black Ops II?

Performance has been a top priority for Black Ops II PC from day one and we have achieved significant improvements. We’ve improved the way the engine handles multiple threads. Additionally, we moved the engine from DX9 to DX11. The DX11 API is leaner than DX9 and requires less CPU time to do the same amount of work. It is important to point out that this benefits the entire range of supported GPUs, not just DX11 hardware. We have also added more “quality vs performance” options than ever before so you can customize your experience to either run faster or to satisfy your taste in eye candy.

You mentioned enhanced graphics for the PC version. Can you tell us more about that?

Black Ops II PC features enhanced lighting, shadows, antialiasing, bloom, depth of field, ambient occlusion, and other enhanced effects that are still in the works. And the game can run at higher resolutions and higher framerates on the PC.

Will there be a framerate cap?

No. Unless you want one. We have included an adjustable FPS cap slider in the game options. The minimum setting is OFF (no cap).

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bruce Willis is planning to sue apple over who owns music downloaded from iTunes

Bruce Willis action actor is in a battle which is not in a hollywood set this time

The Hollywood actor has spend thousands of dollars downloading music from iTunes and now he wishes he could give those to his daughter, a thing apple does prohibit "in those little words that almost nobody reads when we sing up a agreement " 

i know this post isn't about any game but it is very interesting and it could affect us all !
continue reading the story here on the mail online site